Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Intro...

All I know about making cakes is Betty Crocker, Dunkin Hines, and making a drive to the bakery.

But, being a stay at home mom who is used to being creative I am getting itchy. So here I go. My kitchen is right here, next to Max and Ella.

I can create between bouts of running, jumping, crying, playing and eating. I have a mixer in the basement that has been gathering dust for years and a history of clay modeling, painting, designing, and cooking.

Tools. These are the tools I have to work with. Oh, and those two squishy red-heads are my creative directors.


  1. love love love love. i will be checking daily so be sure to post as often as you can. this is totally impressive ly ly. you're amazing. xoxo-rena

  2. Liza, This is awesome! I've added you to my Google Reader so I can track both blogs. LOVE THIS! xoxo, Keirnan
